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Martyn Lucas
artist | curator | educator
What people have said
Martyn Lucas has delivered outstanding programmes of modern and contemporary art exhibitions over many years, engaging local people with art, artists and creativity in the heart of a local community. This work has been invaluable in ensuring that children, young people and adults have tried and tested programmes that support learning as a whole and that also support teachers delivering the curriculum. It is rare to find a curator who not only understands the importance of visitor experience and engagement in arts and culture but who can also deliver learning programmes to a very high standard.
Lindsey Fryer, Former Head of Learning, Tate Liverpool
Thank you for your ongoing encouragement, support and amazing curatorial vision for the 'Tessellate' show.
Saba Rifat, Artist
I have known Martyn for a number of years in his role as Curator of the Turnpike Gallery in Leigh. During that time, I have been impressed by the quality and diversity of the exhibitions and events which have been programmed by him and his small team. More importantly, I have witnessed his enthusiasm and commitment to engaging a wide range of people with arts and culture. Martyn has worked extremely hard with a number of community groups to widen the appeal amongst the residents of Leigh.
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester; former Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 2008-09 and MP for Leigh
Since meeting Martyn Lucas twenty-five years ago, I have followed his activities of discerning curator, visual artist and art educator. Recently I was delighted to collaborate with him on the exhibition Sauntering Between the Cracks, at the Cross Street Gallery. Martyn's thorough attention to all aesthetic, technical and administrative factors regarding the exhibition witness his years of experience as a curator. Working with him is marvellous...
Tanya Morand, Artist
Exhibiting with Martyn was a very enjoyable experience; not just for the use of the Turnpike space but in getting to know him, himself. He is someone absolutely dedicated to organizing and presenting the artists' work in the best possible way. Furthermore he is able to convey his enthusiasm to others, including schoolchildren who can learn and begin to understand the meaning and purpose of art. He has kept in touch with all developments in the last decade and I left Leigh thinking how fortunate they were to have found him. I have been away from Wigan for many years and for me, as a Wiganer and as an artist, it was a real pleasure to know that the gallery existed.
Norman Dilworth, Artist
Turnpike continues to do important work with the community and schools around it and remains unafraid to bridge the gap between international contemporary art and the needs of a local audience.
Andrew Bick, Freelance Curator
Martyn has a true passion for the visual arts and works very resourcefully to bring the very best to the widest audiences. He also has a real understanding of how to support artists, both practically and creatively, and he combines this with solid project management. I have tremendous respect for him and he is great to work with.
Angela Kingston, Freelance curator
You have been a fantastic supporter and driving force of Art and Art education.
Pat Carey, Lecturer, Wigan and Leigh College
While working with Martyn and his team it was easy to see how well they worked together. I can say he is an excellent team leader. His knowledge and expertise in the arts makes for an invaluable person to work within many areas in this field. His understanding of the needs of artists, and his knowledge and love of education are obvious in the programmes which he runs at the Turnpike. Speaking as an artist and educator I have to say it is a pleasure to work with and for Martyn. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Professor Anne Morrell, formerly Professor of Textiles and Manchester Metropolitan University; consultant at the Calico Museum, Ahmedabad, India.
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