Martyn Lucas
artist | curator | educator

Collage, 2024, 21x20cm

Collage, 2025, 19x19cm

Collage, 2025, 20x20cm

Collage, 2024, 20x20cm

Collage, 2024, 21x24cm

Collage, 2024, 19.5x19.5cm
Recent studio work
Collages derived from memories of landscape and found images. Several works are available to purchase. Enquire via contact page.
​More recent collages have their origin in thinking about our fragile earth, a wounded landscape. Small scale and often richly coloured, these works initiate a conversation about landscape, history, memory and human intervention. The materials of their making (found images, painted brush marks and flat colour swatches) construct an abstracted scene; a disrupted view, Often worked on pages from discarded old art books or vintage postcards, two or three hard-edged, geometric elements or partial figures are introduced which generate a kind of narrative. The shapes enter like characters on a stage, playing out in front of a landscape backdrop. The works are small, simple and can look effortless, but take time to resolve. Compositional balance and visual pleasure, engaging eye and imagination.